Go and donate as much as you can.
1860 Colt cartridge conversion
3 hours ago
Just a bit of information that you do with what you will. As the old saying goes: "TRUST NO ONE".
November 01, 2007Every link in his post should be accessed and read.
The War on the Unexpected
We've opened up a new front on the war on terror. It's an attack on the unique, the unorthodox, the unexpected; it's a war on different. If you act different, you might find yourself investigated, questioned, and even arrested -- even if you did nothing wrong, and had no intention of doing anything wrong. The problem is a combination of citizen informants and a CYA attitude among police that results in a knee-jerk escalation of reported threats.
This isn't the way counterterrorism is supposed to work, but it's happening everywhere. It's a result of our relentless campaign to convince ordinary citizens that they're the front line of terrorism defense. "If you see something, say something" is how the ads read in the New York City subways. "If you suspect something, report it" urges another ad campaign in Manchester, UK. The Michigan State Police have a seven-minute video. Administration officials from then-attorney general John Ashcroft to DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff to President Bush have asked us all to report any suspicious activity.
Nixon ended the Gold Standard, and today, I read this interesting piece of information.I also wish to point out that in 2004, it took $468.40, and today, it takes $514.32 for a decrease in the value of your "dollars" by $45.92. Now with the Chinese capable of so much because of their massive u.S. "debt" holdings, and the "Global Credit Crisis", your worth just seems so much better now, does it not?
More on FedLine Advantage can be found here.
By the by, both Nixon's act was a betrayal to his oath of office. The best example to prove this is that what took $100.00 dollars in 1971, now takes $468.40. You can find the proof here, which is the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics tool called the Inflation Calculator. To put the above figures in context, in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Corporation was created, it took fifty-eight years for that figure of inflation to reach $100.00/$409.09. That same level of inflation (actually the figure was $411.36) was reached in 1999, only twenty-eight years later. To put succinctly, inflation is a hidden tax.
And, if the private corporation intentionally misnamed the Federal Reserve predicts that it's new web-based system is safe, just remember how "well" it does with the economy.
BY MAEVEMEALONE AT 07/31/07 12:15 PMI leave you now, holding my sides, and laughing uncontrollably...
15 female grad students just wiped enough tears from their eyes to make it down to the open office hours . They will then throw their arms around Prof. Butlers head and bury him in their sobbing bosoms. He will then utter to himself "Score!"
Cops: Man, 93, Shoots Violent RobberNo you did not- you deserved death Douglas B. Williams.
Jul 27 02:46 PM US/Eastern
EL DORADO, Ark. (AP) - An elderly man beaten unconscious by an assailant wielding a soda can awoke and shot the man during an attempted robbery, police said.
Willie Lee Hill, 93, told police he saw the robber while in his bedroom Wednesday night. Hill confronted the man and was struck at least 50 times, police said. He was knocked unconscious.
Covered in blood, Hill regained consciousness a short time later and pulled a .38-caliber handgun on his attacker. The suspect, Douglas B. Williams Jr., saw the gun and charged the man, who fired a bullet that struck Williams in the throat, police said.
"I got what I deserved," Williams, 24, told police when they arrived, officers said. Investigators reported finding, among other items, a Craftsman drill bit set, three pocket knives and two hearing aids inside his pockets.
July 25, 2007 1:01 PMIn former communist East Germany, the STASI called them what? Oh, that is right, the FBI, I mean the STASI, called the Quislings and Snitches the Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IMs, Unofficial Collaborators).
Justin Rood Reports
The FBI is taking cues from the CIA to recruit thousands of covert informants in the United States as part of a sprawling effort to boost its intelligence capabilities.
By Matthew Garrahan in Los AngelesNevertheless, it seems, for at least the past ten years, every Disney production CERTAINLY had a POLE-SMOKER in it and I am sure the future productions will too.
Published: July 25 2007 18:17 | Last updated: July 25 2007 18:17
Walt Disney on Wednesday became the first Hollywood studio to phase out cigarette smoking in its films, saying smoking scenes in future Disney-branded movies would be "non-existent".
The Disney move is the latest blow Hollywood has dealt the tobacco industry and comes weeks after the Motion Picture Association of America, responsible for the film ratings system, said it would consider smoking alongside other factors, such as violence or sexual content, when rating a film.
In a letter to Edward Markey, chairman of the House sub-committee on telecommunications and the internet, Bob Iger, Disney's chief executive, said the company would also "discourage" depictions of smoking in films made by its other studio labels, which make films for older audiences, such as Miramax and Touchstone.
Disney plans to add public service announcements to DVDs of any future films containing smoking scenes and said it would work with owners of cinema chains to show anti-smoking announcements before the start of films.
General InformationFor those that do not know what a SCIF room is, the acronym stands for:
Document Type: Presolicitation Notice
Solicitation Number: 973107Q036
Posted Date: Jul 24, 2007
Original Response Date: Aug 15, 2007
Current Response Date: Aug 15, 2007
Original Archive Date: Jul 23, 2008
Current Archive Date: Jul 23, 2008
Classification Code: Z -- Maintenance, repair, and alteration of real property
Set Aside: Total Small Business
Contracting Office Address
National Conservation Training Center-Division of Facility Operations U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 698 Conservation Way Shepherdstown WV 25443
The US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Conservation Training Center (NCTC), Shepherdstown, WV intends to convert a room at the facility into a SCIF meeting space. Potential Vendors are required to provide a design and cost estimate based on information provided with the solicitation and the scheduled walk through meeting on August 8, 2007 at 10:00am. The room upon completion will meet all of the required National Security Agency SCIF standards.
INVASION USAEither you are a liar or a fool President Bush- I think you both.
Bush won't promise to pardon border agents
Says 'dear friend' who prosecuted Ramos, Compean 'even-handed,' 'fair guy'
Posted: July 20, 2007
3:33 p.m. Eastern
Questioned by an audience member at a forum, President Bush said he could not promise to pardon former U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.
"I'm not going to make that kind of promise in a forum like this," Bush said at the Nashville event yesterday, which focused on his budget.
Bush referred to the U.S. attorney responsible for the case, Johnny Sutton, as "a dear friend of mine" and called him a "fair guy" and "even-handed," according to a White House transcript.
The president elicited laughter when he told the questioner, "You've got a nice smile, but you can't entice me into making a public statement."
"I know this is an emotional issue, but people need to look at the facts," Bush said. "These men were convicted by a jury of their peers after listening to the facts as my friend, Johnny Sutton, presented them. But anyway, no, I won't make you that promise."
Garrett refrained from asking for an official reprimand, but he and other conservative Republicans took after Young's declaration that the funds in question represented his money. The assembled conservatives then launched into a general attack on earmarked spending.Rare candor indeed from a politician...
"We legally steal," argued Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), defending her colleague from New Jersey.
"I am quite used to being considered too spectacular. My own brother, a colonel of engineers, thought my pre-war stories about the atomic bomb and atomic weapons to be sheer moonshine; he has since flown over to Hiroshima and changed his mind."WP
-- RAH From Grumbles from the Grave
"My old man claimed that the more complicated the law the more opportunity for scoundrels."
-- Daniel Boone Davis in The Door Into Summer
"Get a shot off fast. This upsets him long enough to let you make your second shot perfect."
-- From the notebooks of Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"
"There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or a corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years , the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary public interest. This strange doctrine is not supported by statute nor common law. Neither individuals nor corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped ,or turned back, for their private benefit."
-- The Judge in Life-Line
"That's impossible!"
"Yep, so is a baby, son."
-- Lazarus Long and unidentified Howard Families member in Methuselah's Children
"Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excssive wear. Honorifics and formal politeness provide lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as "empty," "meaningless," or "dishonest," and scorn to use them. No matter how "pure" their motives, they thereby throw sand into the machinery that does not work too well at best."
-- From the notebooks of Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"
"I'm buying and you're selling. If you don't sell what I want to buy I'll go where they do sell it."
-- Daniel Boone Davis in the door into summer
"Basic truths cannot change and once a man of insight expresses one of them it is never necessary, no matter how much the world changes, to reformulate them."
-- Mr. (Colonel) DuBois in Starship Troopers
"He's an honest politician, he stays bought."
-- Jubal Harshaw in Stranger In a Strange Land
"People who go broke in a big way never miss any meals. It is the poor jerk who is shy a half slug who must tighten his belt."
-- From the notebooks of Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"
"Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay--and claims a halo for his dishonesty."
-- John Joseph Bonforte in Double Star
"Do-gooding is like treating hemophilia -- the real cure is to let hemophiliacs bleed to death... before they breed more hemophiliacs."
-- Jubal Harshaw in Stranger in a Strange Land
"But we made our own fun, mostly. I recall a time, many years later, when American children seemed unable to amuse themselves without a fortune in electrical and electronic equipment. We had no fancy equipment and did not miss it."
-- Maureen Johnson in To Sail Beyond the Sunset
"You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic."
-- Zeb in Revolt in 2001
"But the thing that stonkered me was the idea on Canada united with us. Most Americans do not know why Canadians dislike us (I do not), but they do. The idea that Canadians would ever vote to unite with us boggles the mind."
-- Alexander Hergensheimer/Alex Graham in Job: A Comedy of Justice
"Happiness lies in being privileged to work hard for long hours in doing whatever you think is worth doing."
-- Dr. Jubal Harshaw in To Sail Beyond the Sunset
"The third 'right'? - the 'pursuit of happiness'? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore.
Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can 'pursue happiness' as long as my brain lives - but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can insure that I will catch it."
-- Mr. (Colonel) Dubois in Starship Troopers
"A rational anarchist believes that concepts, such as 'state' and 'society' and 'government' have no existence save as physically exemplified in the acts of self-responsible individuals. He believes that it is impossible to shift blame, share blame, distribute blame.. as blame, guilt, responsibility are matters taking place inside human beings singly and _nowhere_ else. But being rational, he knows that not all individuals hold his evaluations, so he tries to live perfectly in an imperfect world.. aware that his efforts will be less than perfect yet undismayed by self-knowledge of self-failure."
-- Professor Bernardo De La Paz in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
-- From the notebooks of Lazarus Long, "Time Enough for Love"
Published Friday, June 29, 2007
Chairman slams immigration bill opponents, challenges them to act
AP Hispanic Affairs Writer
The Chairman of the Republican Party on Friday lambasted Democrats and Republicans who helped kill an immigration bill in the Senate and challenged them to come up with a solution beyond "just build a fence along the border."
"The voices of negativity now have a responsibility to come up with an answer," RNC Chairman and U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla. said.
"How will you fix the situation to make peoples' lives better? How will you continue to grow the economy? How will we bring people out of the shadows for our national security and for the sake of being a country that is just?" he demanded.
Mack vs. Brady - 10 years after a defeat of the Brady Bill,... then the NRA Turns on us,... again.
SFGate.comThis, of course is spin (actually bullshit as it is known in the English language) and some would admire his tenacity in being able to hold a straight face saying such, but I do not, nevertheless, one thing he IS correct about is that is about wetbacks from every nation wanting the jobs that Americans will do. Spend some time reading the want ads, Craiglist, and many other sources for employment for programming jobs to see for yourself, but most of you already know this as you may know many folks in the tech field. However, this is NOT just about tech jobs, Cohen & Grigsby did these united States a favor when they put the video as this is about all jobs here.
Video raises concern about firms' H-1B abuses
2 lawmakers urge labor secretary to probe 'blatant disregard for American workers'
Tom Abate, Chronicle Staff Writer
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hoffman sought to turn the video -- created by an H-1B opponent -- to his advantage. He said it proved the need to pass the Senate immigration reform legislation that, among many other things, gives Silicon Valley more H-1B workers while beefing up rules to make sure that U.S. workers are not displaced.
"The anti-fraud provisions in the Senate bill go right to the heart of what this video is about,'' Hoffman said.
Video tells ways to avoid hiring U.S. workersNow, article is a good one, but the following statement had me laughing until my sides hurt:
June 23, 2007
Washington, D.C. — A video that shows members of a law firm advising employers on how they can avoid hiring U.S. workers has sparked a firestorm of Internet criticism and a congressional investigation by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Ia.
The video, seen by thousands of viewers on YouTube, feeds into a churning debate in Washington and across the country over immigration and the role of foreign workers in the U.S. economy.
Grassley says H-1B visas issued to skilled workers brought from overseas are being used to deprive Americans of high-tech jobs and drive down wages.
The visas are supposed to be given only when American workers are not available, but Grassley contends the program is rife with fraud and abuse.
A public relations consultant for Cohen & Grigsby released a statement that says the firm has a responsibility to ensure that clients are aware of all laws affecting employment of international workers.Sure C&G, sure...
"To that point, we stand by the substance of our recent Immigration Law Update Seminar. We regret the choice of words that was used during a small segment of the seminar," said the statement.
"It is unfortunate that these statements have been commandeered and misused, which runs contrary to our intent."
WASHINGTON — Pressure is growing on Capitol Hill to investigate the prosecution of two former Border Patrol agents doing prison time for their on-duty shooting of a Mexican man who was transporting drugs into the United States.No pardon or amnesty- these men deserve to have the convictions OVERTURNED and full rights restored.
"Our goal is clearly NOT to find a qualified U.S. worker ... our objective is to get this person a green card ... so certainly we are not going to try to find a place where most applicants would be most numerous."Remember this as corporations scream how there is NO qualified Americans to do the work and then remember the meat-packing plant where the grabbed all of the wetbacks and then 750+ American Citizens showed up to apply for the jobs.
- Lawrence M. Lebowitz - Vice President of Marketing - Cohen & Grigsby
Attorneys sue site that comes up with ratings on ... lawyersDoing what lawyers do best, hide the truth...
By Tricia Duryee
Seattle Times technology reporter
A lawsuit filed Thursday against Avvo.com aims directly at the Seattle startup's distinctive feature — a system of rating attorneys across the country on a scale of one to 10.
The plaintiffs, John Henry Browne and Alan Wenokur, are practicing lawyers in Seattle who called the system unfair.
They think their ratings, 5.2 and 6.5, respectively, were uncharacteristic of their experience, industry recognition and professional conduct.
The suit, which is seeking class-action status, was filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle by Steve Berman, a Seattle attorney who has handled high-profile class-action cases and is a partner at Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro.
The defendants named in the suit include Avvo and its chief executive, Mark Britton, former general counsel at Expedia.
Berman said the rating of Browne, a criminal defense attorney in Washington for 35 years, was hurt because Browne had been sanctioned by a state disciplinary authority.
Feds Corner Home Of Convicted Tax Evaders
U.S. Marshals Cut Phone, Power, Internet To N.H. Couple Who Won't Report To Prison
PLAINFIELD, N.H., June 14, 2007
(CBS/AP) Federal authorities have cut phone, power and Internet service at the fortified compound of a couple convicted of tax evasion who have refused to report to prison.
It's unclear what effect that has on Ed and Elaine Brown, who have solar and wind power generators at their 110-acre spread, where they have been holed up for months.
BREAKING NEWS: Corbett hearing postponed until August; prosecutor may turn to grand juryThe ferals do nothing to protect their own when someone is being charged with killing an illegal, but when the assassin Lon Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter, they pulled out all of the stops to make sure the trial would never happen. Certainly tells you what the government of these united States thinks of the Citizenry, and how much it cares for illegals, does it not.
By Jonathan Clark
Published on Friday, June 15, 2007
BISBEE — Cochise County Attorney Ed Rheinheimer said he may seek a grand jury indictment against Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Corbett after a judge postponed a preliminary hearing Friday meant to determine if Corbett can be charged with murdering an illegal immigrant.
Justice of the Peace David Morales granted the seven-week continuance after defense attorney Sean Chapman complained he had not received a complete set of police statements made by six Mexican nationals who were present when Corbett fatally shot Francisco Javier Dominguez-Rivera near Naco on Jan. 12. Chapman called it "fundamentally unfair" and "outrageous" that the County Attorney’s Office had not fully disclosed the statements.
"I demanded to speak to a TSA [Transportation Security Administration] supervisor who asked me if the water in the sippy cup was 'nursery water or other bottled water.' I explained that the sippy cup water was filtered tap water. The sippy cup was seized as my son was pointing and crying for his cup. I asked if I could drink the water to get the cup back, and was advised that I would have to leave security and come back through with an empty cup in order to retain the cup. As I was escorted out of security by TSA and a police officer, I unscrewed the cup to drink the water, which accidentally spilled because I was so upset with the situation.Really pissed off right now?
At this point, I was detained against my will by the police officer and threatened to be arrested for endangering other passengers with the spilled 3 to 4 ounces of water. I was ordered to clean the water, so I got on my hands and knees while my son sat in his stroller with no shoes on since they were also screened and I had no time to put them back on his feet. I asked to call back my fiancé, who I could still see from afar, waiting for us to clear security, to watch my son while I was being detained, and the officer threatened to arrest me if I moved. So I yelled past security to get the attention of my fiancé.
I was ordered to apologize for the spilled water, and again threatened with arrest. I was threatened several times with arrest while detained, and while three other police officers were called to the scene of the mother with the 19 month old. A total of four police officers and three TSA officers reported to the scene where I was being held against my will. I was also told that I should not disrespect the officer and could be arrested for this too. I apologized to the officer and she continued to detain me despite me telling her that I would miss my flight. The officer advised me that I should have thought about this before I 'intentionally spilled the water!'"
"That's what took place Wednesday when the House, by voice vote, passed a gun control bill that Rep. Dingell, D-Mich., helped broker between the NRA and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y."CSMK made me aware of the post at AmBack and cannot say that I am surprised at the follow-up post by OldStar as many in this country will react the same or want the same power over others.
FBI Finds It Frequently Overstepped in Collecting DataOh, that is enough to convince you? Then how about this one:
An internal FBI audit has found that the bureau potentially violated the law or agency rules more than 1,000 times while collecting data about domestic phone calls, e-mails and financial transactions in recent years, far more than was documented in a Justice Department report in March that ignited bipartisan congressional criticism.
FBI Terror Watch List 'Out of Control'Or better yet, how about the comment by becca:
A terrorist watch list compiled by the FBI has apparently swelled to include more than half a million names.
Privacy and civil liberties advocates say the list is growing uncontrollably, threatening its usefulness in the war on terror.
The bureau says the number of names on its terrorist watch list is classified.
A portion of the FBI's unclassified 2008 budget request posted to the Department of Justice Web site, however, refers to "the entire watch list of 509,000 names," which is utilized by its Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force.
Who cares about the inconvenience. I can barely sleep at night as it is. I am not paranoid by any means....I am a normal 31 year old female in DC and I am glad they even have a list no matter how long it is..... I believe the list just needs to evolve with the times and more man power is needed to do it. Its because of these liberals that believe we are sitting pretty and doin just fine shaking our hands with the enemies that this kind of stuff is getting news. Do you care or dont you that we are sitting ducks?Well becca, I for one am not about to rely on anyone but myself for protection and the generations raised to think that it is the responsibility of others is a major part in why this nation has fallen to depths of filth & disgust that it has.
Posted by: becca | Jun 13, 2007 12:08:57 PM
I agree with Professor Richard Lindzen from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who said: "future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century's developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age".President Vaclav Klaus indeed understands intelligence when he reads it.
"Together, the mayors pledged to enlist their 250 million constituents in the fight against global warming."No!
To sign on to the deal, the powerful gun lobby won significant concessions from Democratic negotiators in weeks of painstaking talks. Individuals with minor infractions in their pasts could petition their states to have their names removed from the federal database, and about 83,000 military veterans, put into the system by the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2000 for alleged mental health reasons, would have a chance to clean their records. The federal government would be permanently barred from charging gun buyers or sellers a fee for their background checks. In addition, faulty records such as duplicative names or expunged convictions would have to be scrubbed from the database.Government databases that could be petitioned by 83,000 vets and who knows how many countless innocent citizens? However, to not sound so negative, I ask you to join with me in laughter at the following line:
This time, Democratic leaders dispatched Dingell and Rep. Rick Boucher (Va.), a pro-gun Democrat who represents Virginia Tech's home town, Blacksburg, to reach a deal. But talks dragged on over issues of constitutionality and questions over how to institute a means to clear names from the system.Since when did they even give two cents worth of concern about constitutionality? The ferals and the NRA wipes their asses with it daily...
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) -- Simmering tensions in the Alabama Senate boiled over Thursday when a Republican lawmaker punched a Democratic colleague in the head before they were pulled apart.Hmm, what comes to my mind is the following line from THE SHOOTIST:
Republican Sen. Charles Bishop claimed that Democratic Sen. Lowell Barron called him a "son of a (expletive)."
"I responded to his comment with my right hand," Bishop said.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them."Senator Bishop, it sounds as if he gravely insulted your mother's honor and thus you were insulted- you responded like a Man, now don't go getting all touchy-feely like most will tell you to and, by all means, stand by your guns sir.
"There is no greater force for economic growth than free markets. But markets work best with rules that promote our values, protect our workers and give all people a chance to succeed," she said. "Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies."And now ass-wipe two (Barack Obama):
"We can do this," Obama said in a speech in Iowa City at the University of Iowa's medical school. "The climate is far different than it was the last time we tried this in the early nineties."I suppose we can hope they were at the same airport as this poor bastard...
RUSH - CountdownWP
Words by Neil Peart, Music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson
Dedicated with thanks to astronauts Young & Crippen and all the people of NASA for their inspiration and cooperation.
Lit up with anticipation
We arrive at the launching site
The sky is still dark, nearing dawn
On the Florida coastline
Circling choppers slash the night
With roving searchlight beams
This magic day when super-science
Mingles with the bright stuff of dreams
Floodlit in the hazy distance
The star of this unearthly show
Venting vapours, like the breath
Of a sleeping white dragon
Crackling speakers, voices tense
Resume the final count
All systems check, T minus nine
As the sun and the drama start to mount
The air is charged --- a humid, motionless mass
The crowds and the cameras,
The cars full of spectators pass
Excitement so thick --- you could cut it with a knife
Technology --- high, on the leading edge of life
The earth beneath us starts to tremble
With the spreading of a low black cloud
A thunderous roar shakes the air
Like the whole world exploding
Scorching blast of golden fire
As it slowly leaves the ground
Tears away with a mighty force
The air is shattered by the awesome sound
Like a pillar of cloud, the smoke lingers
High in the air
In fascination --- with the eyes of the world
We stare...
By EDUARDO MONTES, Associated Press WriterAn unarmed illegal immigrant? No Mr. Montes, each one of the Mexicans are illegal aliens.
Mon Apr 23, 8:29 PM ET
PHOENIX - A Border Patrol agent was charged Monday with first-degree murder in the shooting of an unarmed illegal immigrant at the border in January.
An investigation found that Agent Nicholas Corbett's killing of Francisco Dominguez-Rivera, of Puebla, Mexico, was not legally justified, said Cochise County prosecutor Ed Rheinheimer.Excuse me Mr. Rheinheimer, is not the job of a prosecutor to make the decision of what charges to file, or is this really a case of throw as many charges against this man to see which ones stick?
Corbett is also charged with second-degree murder, manslaughter and negligent homicide. A judge will determine which of the charges the evidence supports best, Rheinheimer said.
"We have concluded that the evidence shows that at the time he was shot, Mr. Dominguez-Rivera presented no threat to agent Corbett," Rheinheimer said.
His attorney, Daniel Santander, didn't immediately return a message left Monday afternoon by The Associated Press. The Border Patrol said it would make a statement Tuesday.Three hundred pages eh? Heck, I thought most government agencies generate that everyday to verify that someone actually showed up just so you can their employment to begin with and it is not like we have seen forensics falsified and faked before now have we? In fact, we have seen men convicted and put on trial at the behest of the Mexican government before.
The shooting, which drew condemnation from the Mexican government, occurred while Corbett was trying to apprehend Dominguez-Rivera and three others who were trying to enter the country illegally.
In the days after the shooting, the Border Patrol said that a scuffle had led to it and that the agent had "feared for his life."
More than 300 pages of documents later released by prosecutors revealed that Corbett's account didn't match witness testimony or forensic evidence.
Corbett told colleagues he shot at a man who looked like he was going to throw a rock.
But three witnesses who were being apprehended along with Dominguez-Rivera — his two brothers and a sister-in-law — told investigators Corbett fired while pushing Dominguez-Rivera to the ground.
Corbett remains an agent but is not working in the field, said Gus Soto, a patrol spokesman.
Inside PoliticsThe lesson to be learned here, our so-called leaders would rather wiper their asses with the Constitution than do right as the goal is the complete over-turning of the Republic.
By Greg Pierce
April 24, 2007
No appeal
The Supreme Court yesterday rejected an appeal by a U.S. soldier who received a bad-conduct discharge after refusing to serve on a United Nations peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia.
Former Army medic Michael New has been fighting his discharge for the past 11 years. Mr. New argued that he was not afforded all his legal rights in the course of the court-martial that stemmed from his refusal to wear the U.N. insignia on his Army uniform.
He was supposed to be among a few hundred soldiers who were sent to Macedonia, a former Yugoslav republic, to guard against the spread of unrest from other areas torn by ethnic turmoil. The justices declined to hear his case without comment, the Associated Press reports.
"We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the contest, and must conquer or perish. It is vain to look for present aid: none is at hand. We must now act or abandon all hope! Rally to the standard, and be no longer the scoff of mercenary tongues! Be men, be free men, that your children may bless their father's name."Eighteen minutes that secured the Republic of Texas its independence- an event that changed the World, and with that said, remember always:
—General Sam Houston, Before the Battle of San
"Their actions were recorded in BLOOD -
their names should be written in GOLD"
"There, before the eyes of his astonished family, Sam methodically loaded his musket and both of his famed dueling pistols, put his powder and ball inside his worn and well-traveled military knapsack, strapped his French saber around his waist, squared his grizzled jaw and, as he strode briskly out the door, simply informed his worried family that he was "going to fight the British regulars" and told them to remain safely indoors until he returned.That old glorious bastard did not die though, he lived another eighteen (18) years and when asked if he ever regretted his actions, Sam replied:
Whittemore walked to a secluded position behind a stone wall on Mystic Street, near the corner of what is now Chestnut Street in Arlington, and calmly settled in. Some of the Minutemen pleaded with Whittemore to join them in their safer positions, but he ignored their admonitions. Soon the 47th Regiment of Foot, followed by the main body of British troops, appeared in view. On both sides of Whittemore, Minutemen were shooting at the approaching Redcoats and then sprinting away to where they could reload in safety.
Waiting until the regiment was almost upon him, Whittemore stood up, aimed his musket carefully and fired, killing a British soldier. He then fired both dueling pistols, hitting both of his targets, killing one man outright and mortally wounding another. Not having time to reload his cumbersome weapons, he grabbed his French saber and flailed away at the cursing, enraged Redcoats who now surrounded him. Some of those infuriated soldiers were probably less than one quarter of Sam's 80 years; few, if any, were even half his age.
One Englishman fired his Brown Bess almost point-blank into Whittemore's face, the heavy bullet tearing half his cheek away and knocking him flat on his back. Undaunted, Whittemore attempted to rise and continue the fight, but received no less than 13 bayonet wounds from the vengeful Redcoats. They also mercilessly clubbed his bleeding head and drove their musket butts into his body as they ran by.
When the last Britisher had left the scene and was far enough away for them to come out in safety, the villagers who had seen Whittemore's last stand walked slowly toward the body. To their astonishment, he was still alive and conscious--and still full of fight! Ignoring his wounds, he was feebly trying to load his musket for a parting shot at the retreating regiment.
A door was used as a makeshift stretcher and Whittemore was carried to the nearby Cooper Tavern. Doctor Nathaniel Tufts of Medford stripped away Sam's torn, bloody clothing and was aghast at his many gaping bayonet wounds, the other numerous bruises and lacerations, and his horrible facial injury. According to every medical text Tufts had ever studied and all of his years of experience treating injured people, the old man should have bled to death from internal injuries."
"No! I would take the same chance again!"I no longer wonder how many Sam Whittemore's there are today- Monday showed us how many...
We Are A Nation Of Cowards.WP
Oh my fucking God.
I cannot express the anger I have right now. Anger at the fact that the blame not only rests on the shooter, but the thousands of "public servants" who have disarmed citizens; created free fire zones in our malls, schools, churches, and restraunts; and conditioned two full generations of Americans to not fight back in the face of danger, but flee.
"Lock yourself in your classroom/ bedroom/ office and wait for the police to arrive."
A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.Read it again- particularly Larry Hickner's press statement once more. Have those words sunk in yet? Remember them, as that sentiment is just as evil as the act committed by the nut...
House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."
Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.
Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."
The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.
Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.
In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.
It was on April 15th, 1865, the hand of Justice pushed the American Lenin into Cocytus' icy grip where all traitors to country go. With the immortal battle cry of all who would strike down the tyrant, "Sic Semper Tyrannis", Abraham Lincoln was struck down.WP
It was the politics of Lincoln which drove this nation into it bloodiest conflict and set the foundations of the tax you were forced to pay and the other infringement and violations of the Constitution we endure daily from a central Federal Government. Of that Civil War and the politics behind it the historian Jeffrey Hummel wrote in Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men, "The Civil War represents the simultaneous culmination and repudiation of the American Revolution."
If you should suffer from a terminal case of Lincoln worship, I suggest for an antidote read, The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War by Thomas Dilorenzo. For a taste of what it contains see Walter William's comments on it, "Delorenzo is Right About Lincoln".
In memory of this great day, I flew the Bonnie Blue flag of Secession and the South Carolina flag of Sovereignty and thought how this county might have been had not the American Lenin come to power. Remember, "Sic Semper Tyrannis" and rejoice!!