25 July, 2011

Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the Authoritarian Trend

Edwin Vieira, Jr: The reason for gun control is to deny common Americans the ability, and thereby the right, to live in "a free State," because the Second Amendment tells us that "the security of a free State" depends upon "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms." You can't have the former without the latter. And you can't attack the latter without attacking the former.

Obviously, the "elitists" must be extremely concerned with the level of armament among average Americans, and how ill it bodes for their schemes. If they push too hard, too fast, and too openly, some hard-bitten Americans are likely to start asking their oppressors point-blank: "Is enforcing the latest bit of bureaucratic stupidity and insolence worth anyone's life?" And once the shooting starts, all bets are off. Indeed, a betting man would probably not give odds against 100 million or more angry Americans armed with 200 to 300 million firearms and who knows how much ammunition. (Especially if a sizeable part of the Armed Forces sided with the insurgents.) Thinking about that possibility must keep the "elitists" in a cold sweat at night. Of course, no rational person wants any shooting to start. And the "elitists," if they were rational, would want it less than everyone else. But how rational are they?
They are not rational at all and simply do not realize it; moreover they would never admit to understanding that they owe the debt in what a friend has summed up nicely:
"I for one look forward to the coming pandemonium- debts will be paid."

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