Officer's Taser is used on girl, 9
By C.J. Karamargin
"A veteran South Tucson police sergeant is under investigation for firing his stun gun to subdue a handcuffed 9-year-old girl.
At the request of Chief Sixto Molina, the Pima County Sheriff's Department is trying to determine if the sergeant committed a crime when he sent a jolt through the child's body.
The police officer used a Taser on the girl at about 5:30 p.m. May 8, Molina said. The nonlethal weapon uses a pulsating electrical charge to immobilize a person for several seconds.
"I'll be the first to admit, you've got a veteran sergeant Tasing a 9-year-old girl, it doesn't look good," said Molina.
The sergeant was one of at least two officers who responded to a call from the Arizona Children's Home, a school for special needs children, on South Eighth Avenue, he said.
"It had to do with a runaway from the institution," the chief said. He declined to provide further details.
The school could not be reached for comment late Monday. But Molina said that the facility is the source of frequent calls to his 25-person department.
Molina said one officer initially responded to the call from the school. That officer requested assistance from another officer and specifically asked that the second officer bring a Taser.
He said the girl was handcuffed at the time the weapon was used."
He specifically asked for an officer with a Taser, while he had that nine-year old girl handcuffed, so of course they had to scramble the electrical impulses to her brain!
Moreover, that fine veteran officer is still on the job, and they must perform an investigation to understand what occurred- I suppose we should be thankful, that he did not fear for his life.
However, once that investigation is completed, and his punishment is being decided, I would like to suggest that he suffer the same scrambling of the electrical impulses to his brain, as depicted at the videos at this location, of, say for the rest of his miserable life.
A Google search on Tasers, reveals this, and the newsgroups much more. Moreover, information on the field of "non-lethal� weaponry can be found here, and there.
Oh yes, one last piece of information, or trivia if you prefer, but May 8th, 2004, was the fifty-ninth (59) anniversary of VE Day. I know it swells me with pride to see this, in the united States of America, fifty-nine years after my Father turned twenty-one, which was the day after VE Day.
He had always said, it was the best birthday present he had ever received, and I am so happy to know that he is not alive to see that, what he, and his fellow soldiers, did storming Normandy Beach, of which he was in the first wave, accomplished.
A New ‘Golden Age’ for America
6 hours ago
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