U.S. civilians burned, soldiers killed in Iraq
"Images captured by Arab camera crews in Fallujah but deemed too lurid to broadcast showed shrieking young men and boys kicking a charred corpse and holding dog tags near one body. Although the person appeared dead, the blows made the corpse quiver as though alive. Another charred corpse hung from a bridge, as if lynched, while grinning boys posed beside it."
And for more:
Local Iraqis take joy in attack on US convoy
"They attacked the first convoy that passed. The Americans will be attacked and killed all along the road between Ramadi and Fallujah. It's the highway of death," exulted the man, who refused to give his name."
But one got away:
"The April 9 attack had a particularly heavy toll: besides Hamill and Maupin, six other employees of the Halliburton subsidary KBR - formerly known as Kellogg, Brown & Root - and another U.S. solder were missing.
The bodies of four of the KBR employees were later found in a shallow grave near the attack. The body of the soldier, Sgt. Elmer Krause of Greensboro, N.C., was also found and identified on April 23.
Two days after the attack, video footage given by insurgents to Arab television showed the bloodied bodies of two other Western civilians who had been seen being dragged out of a car during the same attack."
For those that think that this does not happen in every war, access the Google Link to the right and do searches on both torture and burned soldiers...
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