1860 Colt cartridge conversion
3 hours ago
Just a bit of information that you do with what you will. As the old saying goes: "TRUST NO ONE".
"TL: Are you ready for Thursday?"Most think of the SCOTUS ruling and I say that does not mean a damn thing. The Holder CONTEMPT vote weighs much more heavily on my mind. The Muslim Kenyan's actions yesterday with regards to Arizona speaks volumes!
TL asks bluntly: Where do we jump off? I suppose as long as life is tolerable we will continue along, waiting for that moment, which I hold has come and gone, easily managed by the politicians of the day.
Curtis observes: Deja vu...
One of the discussions front and center again over at CA's place is the Moral High Ground. This goes to Curtis' point - that topic has come around at least 4 times in my 2 years online. Many of the same people weigh in, many of the same arguments, one or two people change or nuance their position, and we are all 2 years older while OpFor is 2 more years along with their plan.
Bill posted today about the fact that the war is well underway. For those critics of mine that will state the contrary in regards to already being at war… strap on your heater and walk down town and wait for it. You can't defeat that logic so don't even try, at least not with me.
I am growing tired of empty gestures and hollow words. This is one reason I have not been posting as often of late. I have my own battles with the powers that be that are non-stop. I do what I can to strike back at the beast in ways that inconvenience them, that take up their time, that runs them about and it all still seems useless. Every day I near the point where writing stops and I concentrate on my own agenda.It has been the same for me and I am sure many others. Blogs have gone quiet and blogs have gone down.
Whistleblower: TSA Deliberately Hiring Psychopathic Criminals
TSA supervisor reveals how bosses told him to hire people with violent tendencies
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
A TSA supervisor turned whistleblower has revealed to the Alex Jones Show how the federal agency is deliberately directing its staff to hire people with criminal records who exhibit violent tendencies and psychopathic behavior.
Issa pushes ahead with Holder contempt vote despite Obama interventionYou allow the murder of American and Mexican Citizens along with Border Patrol and ICE Agents, you know full well that ATF, FBI, DEA, the State Department and a multitude of others in feral Law Enforcement are involved right up to your lying Muslim Kenyan ass and you exert EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE!
Published June 20, 2012
Rep. Darrell Issa said Wednesday that he is pressing ahead with a committee vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, despite an 11th-hour move by President Obama to exert executive privilege over the Fast and Furious documents at the heart of the dispute.
The announcement immediately touched off a caustic debate on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, as Democrats accused Issa of prosecuting a "political witch hunt" and Republicans stepped up their criticism of Holder's "stonewalling" over the Fast and Furious probe. Even for Washington, the tone at the hearing was decidedly bitter and accusatory.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was first informed of the president's decision to exert executive privilege in a letter Wednesday morning, shortly before the contempt vote was scheduled.
Jefferson Davis was born June 3, 1808, in that portion of Christian county, Kentucky, which was afterwards set off as Todd county. His grandfather was a colonist from Wales, living in Virginia and Maryland, and rendering important public service to those southern colonies. His father, Samuel Emory Davis, and his uncles, were all Revolutionary soldiers in 1776. Samuel Davis served during the Revolution partly with Georgia cavalry and was also in the siege of Savannah as an officer in the infantry. He is described as a young officer of gentle and engaging address, as well as remarkable daring in battle. Three brothers of Jefferson Davis, all older than himself, fought in the war of 1812, two of them serving directly with Andrew Jackson, and gaining from that great soldier special mention of their gallantry in the battle of New Orleans.Visit the site for the rest of this biography- and never forget!
'I love mass destruction': Meet the glamorous gun-toting college student arrested on explosives, firearms and drugs chargesHit the link for the rest of the article, but I will wager she would NOT take some blue/fed stock.
By Lydia Warren
PUBLISHED: 09:18 EST, 1 June 2012 | UPDATED: 11:00 EST, 1 June 2012
A college student has been arrested after federal agents swooped on her rural home and allegedly unearthed a cache of illegal weapons, explosives, firearms and drugs.
But when officers confronted Celia Alchemy Savage about the stash at her Cornelia, Georgia home, she reportedly had no remorse, simply stating: 'It's my hobby to blow things up.'
Savage seems to enjoy something of a double life, with photographs on social networking sites showing her toting guns, riding motorcycles, skydiving - and posing provocatively for the camera.
In other photographs on Facebook, the Gainesville State College student dons boxing gloves - before switching to her barely-there bikini to become a ring girl.
The profile page also admits to her love of blowing things up - and her loathing of the law.
'I despise all law enforcement and any governing authority,' she writes. 'I am not one for selective targeting but mass destruction.'
The weapons were discovered after an army of law enforcement officers - from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the FBI, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement officers - searched Savage's home in the woods.
Authorities discovered two pipe bombs, a selection of firearms - including a Taurus .454 calibre revolver - suspected illegal drugs - including meth and pot - and drug paraphernalia.
Savage allegedly told an FBI agent she has made up to seven pipe bombs as 'manufacturing explosive devices and detonating them for recreation was her hobby', an ATF report noted.
She added that she likes to blow up toilets in the woods, as a video uploaded to YouTube shows. Her father Tommy confirmed she appeared in the video, Channel 2 reported.
Documents also allege that Savage used the pot the day before the search and used the meth two months earlier.
But her father said Savage should not have been arrested for her collection of dangerous weapons and explosives, and insisted her destructive attitude is healthy.