20 February, 2009

War in South Texas II

From the article:
By Arthur Brice

(CNN) -- A shootout in a border city that leaves five alleged drug traffickers sprawled dead on the street and seven police wounded. A police chief and his bodyguards gunned down outside his house in another border city. Four bridges into the United States shut down by protesters who want the military out of their towns and who officials say are backed by narcotraffickers.

That was Mexico on Tuesday.

What is most remarkable is that it was not much different from Monday or Sunday or any day in the past few years.
Now, watch and listen again to the CNN video and then the next two via YouTube. Hear that? Full auto consistently and then remember that Mexico says that this is bought at American Gun Shows and the US Government works this angle via the ATF to disarm American Citizens.

Mexico will never get it's shit together so long as the Mexicans allow themselves to be subjects instead of citizens and the ravages always spill North across the Rio- be prepared


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