10 February, 2009

Market Mayhem In May

"Our forecast indicates a stock market Obama Bounce when TARP II is news as traders and investors figure out what happens next in Washington. Expect a February market rally followed by an early spring, 2009 selling disaster-catastrophe taking the Dow from 10,400 to 7,250 or, worse. The S&P’s could skid to 400-600. We suggest that this April and May, a selling waterfall could begin as early as Mid-March, a month earlier than normal in that annual selling, down-cycle."
Now, pay close attention to the very last paragraphs:
"The enabling-instigating-political-gang-leaders and their zombie-welfare followers, according to history, soon visit a shocking come-uppance. In the day of the American Pilgrims, William Bradford discovered community gardens didn’t work as the shirkers lay-down and feed-off the workers. This time the workers, an army of three million gun owners along with their buddies and others sick of socialistic-commie-liberal crap rise could rise mightily to the occasion and take charge.

In our view, we hope to be in heaven before this happens but the way things are moving now, I guess we get ringside seats. Buckle-up for a once in a century exciting event."
Go read the entire article and prepare.


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