However, to make things easier to follow, here is what Hammer said:
I was reading the December 1945 issue of American Rifleman today.And I told him:
There was letter expressing concern about some of the M1 carbines having 17.75 inch barrels and therefore being under the NFA 34
The NRA responded with:
What does it matter? The Carbine has no sporting purpose anyway..
This has been one of the main problems with the NRA leadership in my opinion. Giving ground throughout the years because the laws didn't affect affect hunters or target shooters
Hammer | Homepage | 11.10.06 - 7:24 am | #
You scan it and tell me where to download it (or E-mail it to me), and I will give it a permanent spot on the blog and site.So, first thing this morning, Hammer sent them to me. Now, his scanner is down so he took photos of them (1, 2, 3) and the original images will not fit so I sharpened them and resized them and here, in order below, are the new images and the full size ones can be viewed by clicking on the title beneath the images below.

American Rifleman December 1945

American Rifleman December 1945 Page 32

American Rifleman December 1945 Page 32 Inset
I want to thank Hammer for sending them to me and I want the rest of you to understand that, yes, I am slamming the NRA, but strictly for the attitude I mentioned in the post referenced above as I do stand by my statement and opinion that NRA does deserve to be honored for many things- I just prefer to understand that the NRA is happy with helping to foist un-Constitutional laws downs it 3+ million members throats and has since the beginning...
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