Today, in 1781, Cornwallis surrendered and ended our first war of Independence.
Raise a toast to those fine Men, and remember that our Founding Father's left us a great legacy- one that we have squandered.
And in absolutely no order, I prove MY point by pointing to the follow articles:
Rough Road Ahead for New York Eagle Scout as School District Won't Budge on Pocketknife Suspension
Democrats to push in-state college tuition bill for undocumented students
Why Did 1 In 7 Girls Get Pregnant At Robeson High?
And simply the most egregious example of cowardice:
TSA Takes Baby Away From Mother
If you cannot see the connections, I will not connect the dots for you for that is up to you and you alone as I no longer fear for our nation cowards- I no longer care to lift a finger to show them or even to see the cowards stand up and fight. When the time comes, I concern myself with those who already and fundamentally know now what the following means.
"And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."
2024 Saw the Most ICE Deportations in 10 Years
2 hours ago
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