19 January, 2005

George W. Bush

Defender of the united States Constitution and the Bill of Rights- bwahahahahahahaha!

Of course, he also picks men who are as well, just like Alberto Gonzalez, Jr. who has this to say about the Second Amendment:

"I worry about his safety and the types of weapons he will confront on the street," Gonzales said. "The president has made it clear that he stands ready to sign a reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban if it is sent to him by Congress. I, of course, support the president on this issue."

And on the PATRIOT Act, he says this:

"I believe the USA PATRIOT Act has greatly improved our nation's ability to detect and prevent terrorist attacks," Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee in written answers to questions left over from his confirmation hearing.

More on his understanding of the united States Constitution, as reported Assocaited Press via Yahoo Asia (yes, you read that correctly) can be found here.

I know I am feeling safer in my bed at night because of strong brave men such as he...


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