On August 21st, 1992, US Marshals shot and murdered a dog and a 14-year old boy named Sammy Weaver. In self-defense, a family friend, Kevin Harris, who was staying with the Weavers, fired in response and killed one of the Marshals at
Ruby Ridge, Idaho.
Over twelve days, Randy Weaver, Sammy's Father, was shot in the back while entering the shack, next to their home, to visit his murdered sons body and severely wounded by FBI HRT sniper
Lon Horiuchi. The next round fired by this murderer blew Vicki Weavers (Sammy's Mother) head off while she cradled her 10-month baby girl Elisheba in her arms. The round continued on striking and wounding Kevin Harris in the chest.
Many of you reading this may think that the murderer Horiuchi was being fired upon, but you are wrong because the Rules of Engagement (ROE) had been changed to the following:
1. If any adult male is observed with a weapon prior to the announcement, deadly force can and should be employed, if the shot can be taken without endangering any children.
2. If any adult in the compound is observed with a weapon after the surrender announcement is made, and is not attempting to surrender, deadly force can and should be employed to neutralize the individual.
3. If compromised by any animal, particularly the dogs, that animal should be eliminated.
4. Any subjects other than Randall Weaver, Vicki Weaver, Kevin Harris, presenting threats of death or grievous bodily harm, the FBI rules of deadly force are in effect. Deadly force can be utilized to prevent the death or grievous bodily injury to oneself or that of another
Standard FBI deadly force rules are this:
"Agents are not to use deadly force against any person except as necessary in self-defense or the defense of another, when they have reason to believe they or another are in danger of death or grievous bodily harm. Whenever feasible, verbal warning should be given before deadly force is applied."
This license-to-kill was so obviously un-Constitutional and immoral, that members from Denver, Colorado SWAT, (assigned to the siege) agreed amongst themselves that they would NOT follow it. Obviously, the lessons taught by the Nuremberg and My-Lai Trials of "just following orders" were not lost to these men nor were the morals of our once proud Republic.
This started the first of the sieges on US Citizens that were public and subsequent wide spread discovery by the public of just how often the ATF, US Marshals, FBI and other such government funded JBT and their handlers lie.
Here is an example of lies pointed out about Randy Weaver, written by FBI Assistant Director Danny Coulson on August 24th, 1992 in a memo:
OPR 004477
Something to Consider
1. Charge against Weaver is Bull Shit.
2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.
3. Vicki has no charges against her.
4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was barking at. Some guys in camys shot his dog. Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the shooting [of Degan]. He [Weaver] is in pretty strong legal position."
Understand, this was written DURING the siege of Ruby Ridge- AFTER Vicki Weaver had been murdered.
Since then, we had Lon Horiuchi also murder at Waco, another ATF/FBI war on the citizens of the Republic that wound up burning alive 86 children, women and men after a 51-day siege upon their Church. Horiuchi was there to shoot those trying to flee the flames. For his reward, he was kept out of the spotlight, after the charges of manslaughter were stripped from the State of Idaho, and in 2008 made
a spokesman for HS-Precision, a company once held in high esteem by the shooting public for their ultra high-quality stocks though used primarily, it seems, by Jack Booted Thugs (think US government letter agencies) now.
There have been other
less well known instances, others with less than such horrible endings as Ruby Ridge and Waco, but there were others directly blamed on these two events. However, the most troubling aspect of Ruby Ridge, beyond the event itself, the immoral murders of Sammy and Vicky, the lies perpetrated upon Randy and his family is the militarization of police forces across the Republic. This was denied for many years, but even Soldier of Fortune, in a full cover of their March 1999 issue had a lengthy article detailing this. Unfortunately, I can no longer find it on SOF's site, even the cover PDF, but did find the complete article at FOX News and you can read it
here. From near the end of the article:
Made-For-TV Nightmare
None of the cop/soldier blur is a secret. Rather, it's what a blur is supposed to be confusing. Night-after-night, American TV audiences are treated to real-life cop shows in which SWAT teams, dressed in camouflage or black, break through doors and hold suspects to the floor with the aid of fully automatic weapons in order to confiscate cocaine, marijuana or heroine in varying amounts.
In local newspapers and on local TV, police departments show-off new programs in which Navy SEALS train local officers. Police chiefs and sheriffs brag of acquiring helicopters, armored personnel carriers and airplanes from the federal government's post-Cold War military surplus programs.
One World Wide Web site (www.policeguide.com/swat.htm) features links to 50 colorful home pages of local yokel SWAT teams throughout the United States, in Mayberry settings like Ames, Iowa, and Spartanburg, S.C.
"It's all being done out in the open, and many people don't see it as frightening," says defense lawyer Blewitt. "That's because Americans have been conditioned to think it will only affect criminals. They've been convinced society is being destroyed by crime, even though violent crime has steadily decreased in recent years, and these military-style police are our only hope. What they should worry about is an emerging police state that threatens the very fabric of free society."
On June 1st, 2011 I posted
TL IN EXILE - Hardcore in response to TL's just outrage over the murder of
Jose Guerena but this was just one more on the march to the Republic's full oppression. So many
others may be read about
there, and just about
DAILY! It is so horrible, that the parents of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
have been told by the DOJ that they have no standing as victims!
For those that have no clue who murdered Border Patrol Agent Agent Brian Terry is, then get out from under your rock, turn the damn
bread-and-circuses crap off and read about the latest ATF/FBI/DEA/CIA Politician controlled program to suppress the rights of the Republic in the next five links.
What I have presented here are facts, facts from some of the events over the past nineteen years of atrocities that have numbed most of the Republic- desensitized them to what is coming and that is a crash on a scale of proportions not seen before. Unlike "Global Warming", this is man-made, and we allowed it to occur.
Since 1913, the legislation and tools have been increased for the Republics destruction and the militarization of police is just one key aspect of it.
Near the top, in the right column of this blog is a set of cross-hairs on a bouncing hour-ball, has been there for a very long time and it is titled: How long before it is YOU?
There are so many things working for our destruction; plans, legislation, sown distrust, and simple ignorance created by a false sense of trust in our supposed leaders. How long indeed is the proper question.
Our Founding Fathers, knew what tyranny is- they left us the tools to keep it at bay, we let those tools rust and squandered their wisdom but I will not forget these words:
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." Patrick Henry
I firmly think, unfortunately, it is nearly time that atrocities such as these, and others will be happening once again. And if you do not believe or think so, then read yesterdays post.