10 March, 2006

Non-Lethal Weapon May Spark Controversy

"We know the safety margins for skin and eye injuries," she said.

The directorate has not tested for heart attacks, she said. The weapon does not react to the body that way, she insisted. Since the waves only penetrate one-third below the surface of the skin, they do not interact with internal organs. While victims of the Taser, another non-lethal tool used widely by law enforcement, have suffered heart failure, there is no evidence directly linking the intense pain to the weapon. Taser victims may have had drugs in their systems or other mitigating factors, she said.

As for cancer, the weapon uses non-ionizing radiation that does not have the ability to initiate the disease, Miller said."
I have to wonder wonder if Miss Stephanie has allowed herself to be a test subject?

Until then, may I suggest Miss Stephanie, that you do- then get back with us...


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