The Born-Again Individualist--WP
Fox News Channel?s Judge Andrew Napolitano on lying cops, out-of-control government, and his bestselling new book, Constitutional Chaos
Interviewed by Nick Gillespie
As the highly rated home to the likes of Abu Ghraib apologist Sean Hannity and the document-shredding constitutional scholar Oliver North, the Fox News Channel is about the last place you think of when it comes to quaint values such as due process, defendants? rights, and restrained government. Yet Fox is home to television?s fiercest defender of civil liberties, Judge Andrew Napolitano, the network?s senior judicial analyst and a regular on The Big Story With John Gibson, Fox and Friends, The O?Reilly Factor, and other programs. The 54-year-old Napolitano, the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in New Jersey history, is an eloquent and outspoken critic of government abuse of power, whether the topic is widespread ?testilying? by cops, eminent domain abuse by local and state officials, or the unilateral detention of suspects at Guantanamo Bay.
Plan Your Days Off
23 minutes ago
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