Our government thugs, shot a dog, and the fourteen year-old boy,
Sammy Weaver, in the back on his family's property at
Ruby Ridge, Idaho.
This was not enough for them, and on August 22nd,
Vicki Weaver, his forty-two year old mother, was murdered by FBI sniper
Lon Horiuchi, through the neck, while she was holding her ten month old child in her arms.
Lon Horiuchi has never been prosecuted for either the murder of Sammy and Vicki Weaver, or for his participation, and the use of his skills at
Waco, Texas but a few months later.
Sammy's father, and husband of Vicki,
Randy Weaver was shot and so was the family friend,
Kevin Harris, and for the next ten days, our feral thugs
mercilessly taunted what was left of that family, which they accused, and had spread via the major media networks and newspapers, of being
"an armed separatist brigade."So horrible was this "White Separatist" and alleged "Nazi Sympathizer", that they had to use exactly the same tactics and techniques, that we were taught in history class and watched in every war movie about WWII, that was deployed by the Nazi's.
Now, everyone relax, those big bad evil democrats, who ran nearly everything then are gone, as our great saviors- the Republicans, started their major ascent into control in 1994, and now we have G.W. Bush to make sure nothing like this ever happens again, no matter what the Patriot Act
I or
II say. However, there is one thing each one of my paranoid readers must remember, it was G.W.'s Daddy,
George Herbert Walker Bush, who was in power then, and if you do not think these things will happen again, I have some bridges that I wish to sell- cheap! It may not happen under his presidency, but he has made damn sure, no matter what, that it can and will happen again.
Oh, and Lon- you
Jack-Booted Thug, one of these days, of this I am sure, you will face justice...