09 October, 2004

ABC, the network news, and stupidity.

I found the following on Drudge last night:

Who is this man?

He is one of the many idiots that run network news who firmly believe that they are there to guide as us sheep, for we are too stupid to understand life and must be led about. There are many idiots who watch the network news who, if queried, would actually be shown to be valid sheep to be led about.

However, many of the sheep have left the network news for cable to be led about by those idiots.

By now, you are probably wondering what this idiot, Mark Halperin, has done, and it is simple, he has added more evidence that the network news, and I do not think this is limited to ABC, as the recent Man Blathering incident has shown, firmly believes that it is there to lead us about and save us from ourselves- just as most journalists do. Here is the internal memo that was leaked to Drudge:
Halperin Memo Dated Friday October 8, 2004

"It goes without saying that the stakes are getting very high for the country and the campaigns - and our responsibilities become quite grave

I do not want to set off (sp?) and endless colloquy that none of us have time for today - nor do I want to stifle one. Please respond if you feel you can advance the discussion.

The New York Times (Nagourney/Stevenson) and Howard Fineman on the web both make the same point today: the current Bush attacks on Kerry involve distortions and taking things out of context in a way that goes beyond what Kerry has done.

Kerry distorts, takes out of context, and mistakes all the time, but these are not central to his efforts to win.

We have a responsibility to hold both sides accountable to the public interest, but that doesn't mean we reflexively and artificially hold both sides "equally" accountable when the facts don't warrant that.

I'm sure many of you have this week felt the stepped up Bush efforts to complain about our coverage. This is all part of their efforts to get away with as much as possible with the stepped up, renewed efforts to win the election by destroying Senator Kerry at least partly through distortions.

It's up to Kerry to defend himself, of course. But as one of the few news organizations with the skill and strength to help voters evaluate what the candidates are saying to serve the public interest. Now is the time for all of us to step up and do that right."
Here is the New York Times, Nagourney/Stevenson, article (which requires registration- go here to get around it), and here is Howard Finemans' opinion.

Both articles are nothing more than spin for Kerry (the Democraps) in my opinion, and that is fine, the Fox News Network does it for the Repuglicrats, and everyone has their biases, but journalists and the media constantly lie to us about this. However, as was so eloquently put in the Outlaw Josey Wales, "don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining."

This past week, Howard Stern announced that he is leaving broadcast radio, and moving to the Sirius Satellite network. Good for him and good for everyone else, as I see this move as a great step up for those that want to get real news, as more outlets make this type of move, the quality of the reporting will improve because people will tire if the same old crap is spouted when they are paying for it.

Further, many, many people using the Internet have done a great job exposing the lies that our so-called leaders and saviours espouse. And this change will continue to grow as more folks really begin to realize that these ass-wipes really need nothing more than a good tar-and-feathering...


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