22 April, 2005

San Antonio Crap Shoot

Officer on Toilet Accidentally Fires Gun
Thu Apr 21, 3:57 PM ET

SAN ANTONIO - This is one story they'll be telling around the San Antonio Police Department for a long time. An off-duty officer was at a San Antonio auto auction house yesterday when nature called, a police spokesman said.

Officer Craig Clancy strolled to the appropriate facility and was lowering his trousers when his pistol fell from his waistband. When Clancy fumbled for the falling firearm, it went off, twice.

One of the bullets nicked a bit of floor tile into the leg of a man who was washing his hands nearby. That man was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Police internal affairs is investigating.
I found this one, again from the High Road, and the title was stolen from All-Around-Shooters post in the thread- I could not argue with perfection.

So just remember, only th epolice and military should have guns...


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